Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just a thought

Two days back someone asked me was it Lust or Love with Chris?

Lets see :-

A man goes to the window to see the passers by.
If I happen to pass by, can I say that he has gone there to see me?
No; for he is not thinking of me in particular.
But does he who loves someone for her beauty, really love her?
No; for small-pox, destroying the beauty without destroying the person, will put an end to love.
And if I am loved for my judgment, for my memory, am I loved?
No; for I can lose these qualities without losing myself.
Where then is this ‘I,’ if it resides neither in the body, nor the soul? And how love the body or the soul; save for these qualities which do not make the ‘me,’ since they are doomed to perish? For can one love the soul of a person in the abstract, irrespective of its qualities? Impossible and wrong! So we never love anyone, but only qualities.

When I love a person, is it the person in her particularity and uniqueness that I love, or merely the being-instantiated of certain lovable properties?
Do I love Chris as Chris, or merely as an instance of helpfulness, friendliness, faithfulness with Mixture of loads of sex appeal?

Debate continues… even after her marriage with some prince frog from wonderland

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