Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Attaining Nirvana

It was hard but if you are dedicated to achieving your goal its only a short life or distraction plentiful which can stop you. For me attaining Nirvana is being disqualified from all the competition a human life can offer. You don’t go downstream nor you go against the current you just refuse to flow. Its simple

For starters there are few factors you need to understand and master.
Chief among them is a total lack of interest in the outside world. Any self respecting Mr. Good For Nothing has virtually no interest whatsoever in venturing out doors in the materialistic world. There is no point since all your human needs can be satisfied in your desk or the room you occupy. Any need beyond that and my first objective it to kill it unless it threatens your very survival. I won’t venture out to execute a duty for other I will only leave my mental cave or shake my immobility if I have a craving.

Next there is a need to develop an ability to let go of all personal ambition. This is a character trait of the advanced Nirvana artist. Very few ever attain this - the ultimate goal. Still, hold it in mind as your vision of complete nirvana.

Before I forget… Fight club rules apply. Remember, nobody talks about “the dead man life”. It is a way of life to be enjoyed for its own sake. Do not glorify it or use it to satisfy the ego’s need for adulation. It will come… people will acknowledge your dead life one day.

Resist nothing. Let in your need to be. Be and do not do. That’s the art at its finest.

Drop your status needs until you no longer have any materialistic drive. This is the point where you will have distractions plentiful. Let it pass over you…hold yourself from getting caught up in the need to acquire. The same applies when lavish lifestyles or flourishing careers are presented in front of you. In most cases you are being encouraged to drop the higher path of pleasure and relaxation for a world of effort and striving. Be very careful at these moments to stay true to your ideals.

Happy Living!!!

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