Monday, December 3, 2007

Of Dogs…humans…brains and beauty

Are nerds going to take over the planet? Or are studs going to continue to rule?

The other day an angry citizen of Hyderabad said all strays had to be culled or adopted by the Animal Rights activists 'Let each Animal rights activist donate 1000 rupees, since there are so many of them, the government will give land and all the dogs can be housed safely in a big shelter far away from the city . Humans are safe . Animals are happy…

How come we have time for such stupidity to enter our mind leave alone into papers.

'If human life is not supreme let us treat dogs with more respect', the man said. 'Why should they live on the streets? Let them be in the shelter far from speeding vehicles and not have to undergo forced sterilization. At least they will get decent meals and not have to beg for food'...

Equal rights for dogs...

You ask me and I say kill all of them and don’t think twice before doing that and start with toy dogs like Pomeranian and those small ones which are good for nothing… they are the worst of the lot, bloody they cant survive a day without humans. Making those cute emotional faces they make humans do things which the same humans will think twice before doing it with their own kids leave alone other human beings. Sit back and think for once how the have manipulated us to carry them around clean their shits comb them snug them pamper them. They have manipulated us. Street dogs I love them… in these days when hunting is a taboo and even people like Salman khan can be jailed for hunting a deer… chasing these street dogs and bumping them with car is the only form of hunting I can still have and enjoy without being booked. They are the super stupid of all forms of life ever crossed a street. Absolutely no traffic sense…they are like bloody villagers seeing highway for the first time leave alone crossing it.

Its not about dogs alone… there is something else to it… I am not sure how to put it… I started thinking about it since the time Britney Spears was photographed carrying her dog in the red carpet. She summarize the entire stuff. Of dogs… fair beauty… rich and importance.

When there is an airline crash and 30 people die it is on the headlines for days. When a bus falls into a river and 30 poor people die it is on the second page of the newspapers and not even reported by the TV channels. Is it because brainy people are rich and the poor and not so brainy are on the bus?

Why do animal rights activists only selectively protect animals like dogs? Why not Chickens, goats or even fish? I am not talking about white shark or gold fish but those simple tuna fish. Is it because dogs are considered beautiful and cute by the rich beauties of our society ?

If that is so are humans with lesser brains dispensable also? Sounds Hitlerian but its true. Hazardous factories are set up in Bhopal not in US.

Recently there was a big agitation because Dolphins were killed along with Tuna. Nobody cared for the poor tuna. Just the dolphins beautiful… brains

When millions died in Rwanda it was nowhere near as sensational as 911. Is it because the Americans are rich by far?

In our papers everyday poor people dying get less coverage than rich people. White people dying get more coverage than black or brown people. Hollywood actress with dietary problem gets more attention than people dieing with hunger in Africa.

Even in our country everyone wants a 'fair' bride What is it about white? Is it because the Europeans and white people are perceived to be smarter? I am not questioning this biased opinion, I agree to it. Look around yourself… rich people look smarter, much more attractive than poor people. Much more beauty can be seen in shopping mall than in Sabzi Mandi. Arrogant Blondie is more welcome than any other.

I read recently that 'good looking' people get better jobs. Security in Airport is much more than what you can ever see in a railway station or bus stand. So many real life example

I am still thinking about a one liner which will summarize it all….

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