Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Should they call it quit ? Whats your say...

He is shy, introverted and a passive aggressive individual. She is an intellectual, well spoken, extroverted and a very assertive woman.

Their marriage was probably doomed to start with. But when opposites attract, passions are strong and common-sense flies away. They married and began their journey of many stumbles.

Within 2 years of their marriage, she had overtaken him from a career perspective. Lets say her incentives were equivalent to his salary. He assumed the role of the supportive husband. they shied away from each others payslip...every month. His passive-aggressiveness grew in directly relation to his failures. Her assertiveness grew in direct relation to her successes.

Their first big crisis hit at the 2 year mark. He lost his job. He grew depressed. She felt alienated and helpless. Enter another man - she was vulnerable and developed strong feelings for the other. Cozy dinners and barista trips followed. Our husband for her affections, won that battle, and the marriage continued. But he started with mild drugs to maintain his sanity without her knowledge.

Their second big crisis hit at the 6 year mark. He was diagnosed with a medical condition. Change in lifestyle, medication adjustment led to an irritable temperament, loss of sexual appetite, instability in the career. All this was compounded by some other family troubles in his extended family. She rebelled against all this change with insecurity and had an affair with another man. This time a fiery one with a super pervert guy who loved having sex in cars, fields, jungles, terrace in open. Driven by the guilt, she then returned motivated to fix all the troubles and commit anew. The marriage continued. They have separated their beds and then the bedrooms.

Their third big crisis hit at the 8 year mark. A series of bad investments led to serious financial losses. They had to restart their respective careers. He spiralled into depression and could not cope. She had to take on the burden of re-establishment. To get company loans many discussions took place in a dingy motel room or at her bosses bedroom. No guilt...No complaints just living life.

Now it is two years after the third crisis mark. She has managed to re-establish finances. He continues to be depressed and languishing in self-pity. She can't seem to get him out of the funk. She wants to be able to live again. Smile again. She wants to finally leave him - for the sake of her own sanity.

And thats the point when she met me...

Should she leave him?

Note to readers: She is a friend. While I know the husband, I know her better. She has come to me for advice. I find myself too close to the situation to make an objective observation. Thoughts? Suggestions? gateway?


Anonymous said...

she has left him many times b4 [she has him to go back to]/ she has asked it so many times b4 [to so many men]....that's her get sympathy &&&&& what not.....she moves on when she's done.....U r now in her sight....upto U!Will u sell urself for a short term!!!!!!!!

Animish said...

Maan in such situations u should see for a gateway for urself than any kind of advise for her ...!!
But still if you want to advise the unfortunate lady, I suggest the call should be taken on the basis of whether the couple has a child (u never mentioned it in ur blog). Really, its no rocket science .... if they have a kid who is dependent on them, she has to keep the family till the kid can fend for himself. If not then she has waited long enuf. Have one last and full attempted conversation with Mr. hubby and still if in vain, part !!!