Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I am not that kind of a girl

"I'm not that kind of girl” that’s the most common statement guys like me hear from girls all around in all shapes and all sizes.

"I have to give you something to come back for." More subtle come back from ladies in their 30’s and more. I have heard that too. I have also heard, "You won't respect me" "I won't respect myself" and "I am not a slut"…. “You are a cheap bastard”

Now, there are some monstrous or legitimate reasons (whatever you think) why a girl won't or shouldn't sleep with a guy early on. Nonetheless, many times, even if a girl holds out on a guy, she finds that he ditches her soon after they have had sex. Why? "He did so many sweet things for me before that and the second we had sex, he stopped calling me."

Part of the reason is because he is a dog always in a heat cycle. But a huge part of the fault lies with girls’ as well.

One logically screwed up thought woman puts in statement is, "I won't have sex with someone unless we are in a relationship together.
My thought, "I will not be in a relationship with someone unless I know we are sexually compatible." Who has the wrong line of thinking here? If it’s me then please note it’s just a thought.

Anyway’s before humping into any conclusion… let’s examine- I won't commit myself to someone unless I am sure that we have sexual chemistry with strong biology to back up. I feel that having that chemistry is key to ensure monogamy because if the sex sucks, I am going to want to cheat. Being a dog cheating is omnipresent but that’s beside the point, here you have a valid tragic reason.

The girl that waits for a relationship is actually using sex as a tool to get someone to commit, while a key component of the relationship is left totally uncharted. That's manipulative and abuse of male biological requirements. It's also putting yourself in a position where you better perform like a porn queen because if you don't… your guy is going to be fucking pissed that he put in all of this time for missionary sex with a cold dead woman.

Some women think men put pussy on a pedestal…and it's true. But women are just as guilty, if not more. You see, when you make a guy wait, it becomes his goal to sleep with you. A goal that you set for him to attain, and he will accomplish at all costs if there is slightest of possibility. And when he does, there is nothing left to accomplish… and that's why he leaves. He feels that way because you made sex the pinnacle of your relationship. In making him have to prove himself you have put him in a position of needing to prove himself of being worthy of your G-spot, or being serious enough about you to deserve it.

The problem is that you over burdened with your chastity load. Instead of making him pine away at spending time with you because you are so cool and fun, you have made your pussy the best thing about you… That's the problem. Making a guy wait for sex till he proves himself over and over again is overselling a piece of anatomy you have that every other woman out there has. That’s were you screwed up… big time

If you want to be special for your guy, sell your mind, your sense of humor, whatever. I am not saying you should sleep with a guy whenever he wants either, but don't sleep with him to get him interested because that won't work, and don't hold out on him to keep him interested either. If you are going to hold out, tell him it's because you are not comfortable enough with him yet, but make it clear that you are thinking about it. But don't put your pussy on a pedestal. Because if you do…
....we will just take it and run!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


We all know this....

Can I ask you what makes you express this... Does this relieve you of your pains.... is this a forum to get approval from all those who think what you say is true or funny????

You have a nice flow of thought and writing skill.... added to it little fun and lots or sarcasm....

there isnt a positive outlook of life in your blog.... Try writing abt future.... as those are things people dont know ... that might create more interest...