Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Venus affinity to...Dickheads

Ok, folks here something which we have always thought in a semi conscious state of rejection. Which once gets in a repetitive mode grows up to become a sad truth of our life… something I’ve been wondering about since the age of 16. Why do women date DICKHEADS?
If you are one of those been there done that kind of a guy then you surely know what I mean.

You meet a girl, and she ranges from cute to hot, smart, funny, sweet, out going bubbly, doesn't seem to be the naggy type, all that good stuff. Then, right as you're about to open your heart out to her, because you really like her and you're sure she likes you, she starts dating some other dude, and of course dude turns out to be a total…Dickhead. He's so not right for her you can't believe she even gives him the time of day, let alone allowing him to physically explore her. This very thought makes you feel pukish. Not only is he not right for her, but probably treats her badly as well… Ok he probably doesn’t treat her badly… so what you bloody well want to believe he treats her badly PERIOD.
It sucks, and you cant do anything because its one of the cardinal rules of the universe “ You don’t steal the stolen property”.

I don’t need a survey, research, nothing. No empirical evidence necessary. I've seen it with my two eyes. I have been through it mates. Women date dickheads like it's their gender job. You have absolutely no clue what attracted your girl friend to that dickhead. Even dogs don’t wag their tail when he is around. He is bloody Mama’s boy you ask him what’s his favorite dish and he retorts whatever his mom cooks. Your girl hates you now and respects this new dickhead and her love is bloody well sitting over the respect she got for him. He is unique because he wont get physical with her before they marry… dumb unique for sure… I can go on and on describing the traits of such assholes around us stealing our girls but the topic here is not dickheads but why woman dates these kind.
If you drill down bit further on this you will realize girls end up dating guys they know to be dickheads the moment they meet them. I have great dickhead radar. Its something like a metal detector but here it spots dickheads instead. Trust me the land I belong to… there is abundance of them.

Here is the best part - Couple of years have passed since she has deleted you from her area of interest and you have also made peace with your destiny. She pops up again in your life. Finally realizing that the guy was a dickhead. And now she is complaining loudly ” why all men are dickheads”?
Well sweet heart, like the strip club thing its partly your fault. Men are morons towards women because they know that they can get away with it and their current girlfriend will stay with them or that some other woman will date them, suspecting or even knowing that the guy is an Dickhead. Seeing no consequence to their asshole ways, they continue in them, and the ladies line up to date them. In fact, the bigger asshole you are, the more women you seem to attract.
Feel free to shed some light on this phenomenon.

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